Slaughterhouse Sewage Treatment Project

Project introduction: This project is a slaughterhouse sewage treatment project. The characteristics of water quality are complex, and our company provides equipment and technical solutions for this project.


Project Name: Slaughterhouse Sewage Treatment Project

Wastewater Flow: 1800m3/d

Type: Slaughter and meat processing wastewater

Equipment Used:

Rotary Mechanical Tooth Rake Grid,

Microfiltration Machine,

Mud Scraper,

IEPP® Super Atomized Dissolved Air Flotation,

Automatic Dosing Device,

Multi-disc Screw Sludge Dehydrator.

Emission standard:

CODCr ≤450mg/L,

BOD5 ≤250mg/L,

Ammonia Nitrogen ≤30mg/L,

PH: 6.0-8.5,

Animal Fat:≤60mg/L,

SS ≤300mg/L,

TP ≤5.0mg/L,
