
How to improve the working efficiency of Screw press sludge dewatering machine?

We summarizes some experience and skills to help you improve the processing capacity and reduce the operation cost. The on-site management and operation personnel of the sludge dewatering machine need to constantly observe and adjust in time, so as to achieve the best state and relatively stable cooperation in various changes as far as possible. Generally, the observation and adjustment should be carried out once every 1 ~ 2 hours. It is necessary to strictly avoid starting the equipment and insisting on no adjustment for a long time or no adjustment for a shift. Laziness or weak sense of responsibility of operators is one of the main reasons for the low long-term operation efficiency of sludge dewatering machine, large fluctuation of treatment effect and waste of reagent consumption.

IEPP Sludge Dewatering

Skills of sludge dewatering machine to improve treatment rate:

  1. The treatment capacity of the sludge dewatering machine shall be controlled within an appropriate range and adjusted in combination with the sludge flow, flocculant flow and difference, so as to avoid frequent fluctuation of the system and impact on the treatment effect due to the sudden increase of load, and realize large equipment treatment efficiency at the same time.
  2. When the sludge concentration of the sludge dehydrator changes, the flocculant flow and differential speed should be adjusted in time to ensure the treatment effect and avoid waste; With the increase of sludge flow or sludge concentration, the flow tracking of flocculant increases, and the differential speed increases accordingly; When the sludge flow or sludge concentration decreases, the flocculant flow tracking decreases, and the differential speed decreases accordingly.
  3. The flocculant is not the best, but the most suitable. The flocculant model and consumption depend not only on the matching between the quality of the reagent and the nature of the sludge, but also on the matching with the type of equipment structure and operating conditions. Only when the three get the most appropriate operating combination, can the best treatment effect and efficiency be achieved under the condition of minimum flocculant consumption.
  4. The performance of sludge degree of sludge dewatering machine should be combined with the torque data to determine the range of extreme speed. In principle, try to use a lower degree of difference to achieve better treatment effect and save flocculant consumption without blocking the sludge dewatering machine and meeting the treatment capacity.

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