
What are the faults of the air compressor with dissolved air flotation?

Dissolved air flotation is a machine that uses small bubbles or tiny bubbles to surface impurities in the medium. The air flotation device can be used for some fine particles in the water body whose specific gravity is close to that of water because of its own weight and it is difficult to sink or float. Air flotation machine is a kind of equipment with better treatment effect in sewage treatment equipment. It is widely used in the treatment of industrial and municipal sewage. It can effectively remove suspended solids, grease and various colloidal substances in sewage, and its effluent quality is good. , can reach the national standard.

IEPP DAF system unit

Dissolved air flotation has been widely used in sewage treatment. Air compressor is the main air source of our air flotation machine. If there is a problem with our air compressor, it will seriously affect the normal work of our air flotation machine. The reasons for the failure of the air compressor of the machine mainly include the following aspects:

  1. It’s time to have a problem with the air flotation machine. Check whether the actual air consumption of the air compressor is greater than the output air volume of the unit, the air compressor is deflated, and the intake valve is faulty. At this time, we have to check the intake valve and repair it.
  2. Check whether the minimum pressure valve of the air flotation machine is stuck.
  3. Check the failure of the load solenoid valve (1SV) of the air flotation machine. At this time, we need professional staff to repair it.
  4. Check whether the transmission system of the air compressor is abnormal, the ambient temperature is too high, and the air filter is blocked. At this time, we need to clean the air filter.
  5. Check the air flotation machine pressure sensor, pressure gauge, pressure switch and other screw air compressor failures will lead to low unit pressure, pressure sensor or pressure gauge input hose leakage.
  6. Check the dissolved air flotation user pipe network for leakage, if there is leakage, solve and replace it in time.

We still need to pay attention to the use of various accessories in the daily use process, and also use them correctly to ensure the normal operation of the machine.

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