
Jar test procedure for precipitants, coagulants, & flocculants

Precipitation is the chemical conversion of soluble substances (including metals) into insoluble particles. Coagulation and flocculation causes a chemical reaction that promotes the formation, agglomeration or clumping of such particles to facilitate their removal from solution.  The amount or dosage of a precipitant, coagulant and/or flocculant required to precipitate and remove metals in wastewater solutions is…


Reducing potential downtime with wastewater treatment product storage and management best practices

  Using coagulants and flocculants to remove suspended solids during industrial wastewater or influent surface water source treatment is common practice. However, failure to properly store or manage these chemicals can lead to downtime, impact production, increased costs, decreased equipment reliability and shortened lifespan, on-site safety issues and more.    For instance, poor water quality entering a process…


The role of flocculants in industrial waste water treatment

Flocculants are used in a wide range of industries to help remove materials suspended in water. In this artical, we examine their role in waste water treatment, detailing what they are, what they are used for, and how they work. We’ll also outline how flocculants differ from coagulants, another common class of waste water treatment…