Where does the waste in the biochemical tank come from?

During the operation of a wastewater treatment plant, staff members often observe a substantial amount of garbage in the bio-tank, secondary settling tank, and other areas. This not only affects the aesthetics but also significantly impacts the equipment operation, such as water pump blockage, abnormal mixer sounds, sludge suction machine blockage, among others. So, what…

Bacterial death reasons and prevention and control measures in the biochemical system!

During the daily operation of the sewage system, why do the bacteria in the biochemical tank die? In addition, how do we determine the bacteria have died? Today, I will analyze the reasons and hope to be helpful to you. 一、Conditions affecting microbial bacterial growth Microbial bacteria are affected by factors such as pH, temperature,…

What is a sewage regulating tank? What is its function? This article says it all!

一、What is a sewage regulating tank? A sewage regulating tank refers to a structure used in wastewater treatment to regulate the flow of incoming and outgoing water. It is often used in industrial wastewater stations, industrial park sewage plants, and similar facilities. 二、How important is a sewage regulating tank? This is very important, especially for…

The impact of chloride ions on bacteria in sewage treatment and corresponding countermeasures.

The main toxic effect of high concentrations of chloride ions on biological wastewater treatment is through the increased environmental osmotic pressure, which damages the cell membrane and enzymes inside microbial cells, thereby disrupting the physiological activities of microorganisms. Microorganisms grow well under isotonic conditions, such as in a NaCl solution with a mass concentration of…


Dissolved air flotation process in wastewater treatment

WHAT IS DISSOLVED AIR FLOTATION WATER TREATMENT?  Dissolved air flotation (DAF) is a water treatment process designed to remove oils, solids, and greases. In fact, the process helps clarify wastewaters – and other waters – by eliminating different types of suspended matter. The DAF process dissolves air in the water under pressure – then releases it…


How do food and beverage processors choose wastewater treatment solutions

No one cares about wastewater until it is a problem. Say, the city is charging high surcharges or limiting permit levels that are impacting production or expansion plans. So, what do you do when there is a problem?  Start with your goals  The first step is to understand what is in the wastewater, how concentrated it is,…


Wastewater treatment challenges in food processing and agriculture

Wastewater generated from food production and agricultural activities is a major source of environmental pollution. It is also among the most difficult and costly waste to manage because food processing wastewater can contain large quantities of nutrients, organic carbon, nitrogenous organics, inorganics, suspended and dissolved solids, and it has high biochemical and chemical oxygen demands….


Top 10 wastewater problems, causes and solutions

Wastewater management is an undesirable task for facility managers and their staff. But, it’s an important job, because wastewater problems can quickly turn into a very expensive and unsanitary mess.  Below is advice from our engineers about the ten most common wastewater treatment problems you may encounter at your facility and how you can fix them.  Problem…


Common problems in wastewater treatment plants

Clean and safe water is a necessity for everyone. With the demand for water increasing by the day, wastewater treatment plants are designed to treat water and return it back to the environment safely. However, our traditional wastewater systems are far from efficient in terms of operation and cost. Here are some of the biggest…