
Aquaculture sewage treatment process and technical points

Characteristics of aquaculture sewage: The organic matter concentration is high, the suspended solids are many, and the color is deep. The NH3-N concentration is very high due to the large amount of animal feces, and it contains a large number of pathogenic bacteria. The pollutants in the sewage mainly exist in the form of solid…


Treatment of pig factory wastewater with polyaluminium chloride

With the development of animal husbandry, the discharge of livestock wastewater is increasing, and the negative impact on agricultural ecological environment and water environment is becoming more and more serious. Pig farm sewage is mainly a mixture of pig excreta (pig urine and part of pig manure) and pig house flushing water. Pig farm sewage…


What should be paid attention to when using high-efficiency dissolved air flotation?

High-efficiency ultra-atomization dissolved air flotation is a series of ultra-atomized dissolved air flotation products specially developed for advanced sewage treatment (including terminal phosphorus removal), reclaimed water treatment, and micro-polluted water source treatment. High-efficiency ultra-atomization dissolved air flotation has low effluent SS, low effluent TP, high dissolved air rate, high gas release efficiency, no blockage, good…


Livestock farm wastewater treatment design

The degree of contamination of wastewater is characterized by the amount of mineral, organic and bacterial materials solved or unsolved in the water. Wastewater is treated by mechanical, chemical, physical or biological methods. Biological processes involve oxidation of organic substances in waste water in the form of suspensions, colloids and solutions by microbes. There are…


MBR using in slaughterhouse wastewater treatment

Slaughterhouse wastewater is the wastewater generated during the slaughtering and processing of livestock, which mainly contains high concentrations of nitrogen-containing organic compounds, suspended solids, dissolved solids, grease, protein, blood, minced meat, food debris, hair, feces and sediment etc, and may also contain a variety of bacteria harmful to human health. If direct discharge will cause…


Which waste water treatment is used in slaughterhouses?

Overview The meat processing industry is one of the largest consumers of all freshwaters used in agriculture and livestock worldwide. The slaughterhouse produces large amounts of slaughterhouse wastewater through slaughter process and system cleaning. Due to its high content of organic matter and nutrients, SWW requires critical treatment for sustainable and safe emission to the…


Microbiology is the key to reducing wastewater sludge

Sludge poses significant problems for wastewater treatment plants. With its pathogen content and unstable nature, sludge is a hazard to both human health and the environment. What can we do about it? The answer is to aggressively process it, reduce pathogen levels, and stabilize the biosolids. There are several traditional sludge processing methods — namely…


Wastewater treatment plant bulking and foaming

Wastewater treatment plants are facing major operational problems of bulking and foaming. Biological treatment process is to remove biodegradable pollutants from wastewater. Biodegradable constituents’ pollutants are metabolised by microorganism in the activated sludge. Biodegradable consuming rate is the deciding factor for oxidation and separation process performance of wastewater treatment. The poor separation problem is caused…


How to accurately measure the chemical oxygen demand parameter for the samples containing a very high chloride concentration

What is Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)? COD is defined as the amount of a specific oxidant (expressed in its oxygen equivalence) that reacts with a sample with organic substances under controlled conditions-Dichromate ion (Cr2O72-) is reduced to its chromic ion (Cr3+). COD is an indirect measure of the amount of organics in a water sample….


What are the faults of the air compressor with dissolved air flotation?

Dissolved air flotation is a machine that uses small bubbles or tiny bubbles to surface impurities in the medium. The air flotation device can be used for some fine particles in the water body whose specific gravity is close to that of water because of its own weight and it is difficult to sink or…