
The parts that a typical DAF system should contains:

A typical DAF system should includes: 1. Screening Adequate screening to remove gross solids from trade waste influent, buffering and treatment steps is crucial as it: Prevents solids blocking/damaging wastewater feed pumps, DAF recycle pumps and sludge pumps. Limits odours produced by anaerobic degradation of settled sludge that build up in the DAF unit and…


Quickly troubleshooting a dissolved air flotation (DAF) system

A DAF is used to remove solids from wastewater using microbubbles and a chemical coagulant like a polymer. The solids are forced to the water’s surface and are removed using a mechanical scraper and then disposed of.When the wastewater enters the DAF, it separates into three layers: Our purpose is to get as many solids…