
Why DAF is an excellent solution for clarifying water with high levels of low-density solids and algae that cannot be removed efficiently?

Dissolved air flotation (DAF) is a proven and effective physical /chemical technology for treating a variety of industrial and municipal process and wastewater streams.

DAF systems are commonly used for the removal of oils & greases and suspended solids to meet a variety of treatment goals including:

Pretreatment to meet sewer discharge limits

Pretreatment to reduce loading on downstream biological treatment systems

Polishing of biological treatment effluent

Thickening of biosolids

Product recovery and reuse

IEPP Super Atomization DAF

The DAF systems are designed to remove suspended solids (TSS), Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), and oils and greases (O&G) from a wastewater stream. Contaminants are removed through the use of a dissolved air-in-water solution produced by injecting air under pressure into a recycle stream of clarified DAF effluent. This recycle stream is then combined and mixed with incoming wastewater in an internal contact chamber where the dissolved air comes out of solution in the form of micron-sized bubbles that attach to the contaminants. The bubbles and contaminants rise to the surface and form a floating bed of material that is removed by a surface skimmer into an internal hopper for further handling.

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