Electrolysis + Fenton treatment for high chemical wastewater

As the demand for chemical products in daily production and life continues to rise, the chemical industry has experienced rapid development. However, this growth has also led to increasingly serious environmental issues, particularly the significant discharge of wastewater from chemical production that has resulted in severe water pollution in rivers surrounding chemical parks. According to…

The reasons for COD increase suddenly in wastewater treatment

The sudden increase in COD and BOD in effluent from secondary settling tank can indicate malfunctioning of wastewater treatment process, caused by both external and internal factors. To identify the characteristics of harmful substances, it is necessary to measure sewage COD first. The phenomenon of increased COD and BOD5 values in the effluent from the is mostly…

Bacterial death reasons and prevention and control measures in the biochemical system!

During the daily operation of the sewage system, why do the bacteria in the biochemical tank die? In addition, how do we determine the bacteria have died? Today, I will analyze the reasons and hope to be helpful to you. 一、Conditions affecting microbial bacterial growth Microbial bacteria are affected by factors such as pH, temperature,…

What is a sewage regulating tank? What is its function? This article says it all!

一、What is a sewage regulating tank? A sewage regulating tank refers to a structure used in wastewater treatment to regulate the flow of incoming and outgoing water. It is often used in industrial wastewater stations, industrial park sewage plants, and similar facilities. 二、How important is a sewage regulating tank? This is very important, especially for…

The impact of chloride ions on bacteria in sewage treatment and corresponding countermeasures.

The main toxic effect of high concentrations of chloride ions on biological wastewater treatment is through the increased environmental osmotic pressure, which damages the cell membrane and enzymes inside microbial cells, thereby disrupting the physiological activities of microorganisms. Microorganisms grow well under isotonic conditions, such as in a NaCl solution with a mass concentration of…

The common methods for rapid cultivation of activated sludge!

When a sewage treatment facility is put into formal use, its biochemical treatment equipment needs to be inoculated and acclimatized (commonly known as commissioning). For larger-scale sewage treatment facilities, it is important to shorten the commissioning time as much as possible, so that the treatment process can be put into normal operation as soon as…


What is sludge dewatering and what is it used for?

In fact, filter presses produce excellent cake dryness and, in many cases, higher cake dryness compared to other filtration equipment. What is “silt”?Simply put, “sludge” is a semi-solid slurry that can be produced from a variety of industrial and municipal processes.The purpose of sludge dewatering is to reliably and efficiently concentrate waste into a filter…


Jar test procedure for precipitants, coagulants, & flocculants

Precipitation is the chemical conversion of soluble substances (including metals) into insoluble particles. Coagulation and flocculation causes a chemical reaction that promotes the formation, agglomeration or clumping of such particles to facilitate their removal from solution.  The amount or dosage of a precipitant, coagulant and/or flocculant required to precipitate and remove metals in wastewater solutions is…