
Comparison of four air flotation equipment

Air flotation methods can be divided into diffuse air flotation, dissolved air flotation (including vacuum air flotation) and electrolytic air flotation. It is currently used in water supply, industrial wastewater and urban sewage treatment. Compared with other solid-liquid separation equipment, air flotation equipment has the characteristics of less investment, minimal floor space, high degree of…


Different methods of wastewater treatment

Wastewater treatment is a procedure of removing all the pollutants in the form oforganic matter and cleaning domestic water and sewage. Water is treated with the purpose ofreusing the water either by humans or animals or for any other purposes.  Water discharged from houses. factories. orindustries is made to enter sewers.Waterfrom rains enters stormwater sewers. Water…


Common problems in wastewater treatment plants

Clean and safe water is a necessity for everyone. With the demand for water increasing by the day, wastewater treatment plants are designed to treat water and return it back to the environment safely. However, our traditional wastewater systems are far from efficient in terms of operation and cost. Here are some of the biggest…