
What preparations need to be done before the air flotation machine starts?

There are more and more users using dissolved air flotation machines. After purchasing, everyone needs to do some preparatory work before using them. So what needs to be done? The editor has sorted out the preparations before the start of the air flotation machine:

IEPP Super Atomization Dissolved Air Flotation
  1. Clean and fill the air flotation tank with clean water, flush the pipeline, and check whether there is leakage in the pipeline and valve.
  2. Check the running direction of the air flotation machine return pump, the oil level, the idle running current, and the slow load current. Check air floater drive, skimmer transmission, reducer oil level.
  3. Check the lubricating oil of the centering wheel, driving wheel and tugboat oil cup. Check whether the stator and rotor of the screw pump are seized. If you need to add oil, use a pipe wrench to turn it to facilitate starting.
  4. Check whether the valve of the water distribution pipe of the air flotation machine is open. Check that the pressure gauge valve is open.
  5. Check whether the electrical, power supply and instrument are turned on. Check the air compressor steering and lubrication.
  6. Check whether the air control relay of the air compressor is normal for the air flotation machine, and check the safety valve, pressure gauge and vent valve of the air storage tank for the preparation work before the air flotation machine starts.

The above six points are the preparations that need to be done before the air flotation machine is started. After we buy the air flotation machine, we must use it according to the regulations.

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