
The role of flocculants in industrial waste water treatment

Flocculants are used in a wide range of industries to help remove materials suspended in water. In this artical, we examine their role in waste water treatment, detailing what they are, what they are used for, and how they work. We’ll also outline how flocculants differ from coagulants, another common class of waste water treatment…


What is coagulation and flocculation in water treatment?

Coagulation and flocculation are essential components of both drinking water and wastewater treatment. They provide a reliable process for treating water turbidity (the cloudiness or haziness of a fluid typically invisible to the naked eye), which is a key test of water quality. In wastewater treatment, they enable up to 90% reduction in suspended solids…


How to judge the overdosing of PAC and PAM?

The way to effectively prevent excessive use of PAM and PAC is experimentation.  Small experiments,field trials,etc.,or use PAM to judge the amount of PAM and PAC by observing the water quality.  We know that PAC is a water treatment agent that destabilizes and agglomerates colloids,and PAM is a water treatment agent that makes agglomerated tiny flocs into…


What is the difference between coagulants and flocculants?

As we all know, in the water treatment chemicals, the more widely used generally for coagulants and flocculants, namely, polymeric aluminum chloride and polyacrylamide.    Coagulants mainly refer to inorganic ones, such as ferrous sulfate, aluminum sulfate, and flocculants generally refer to organic ones, such as PAC, PAM, and so on.    The process of coagulation is the addition…


Everything you need to know about industrial sand filters

Industrial sand filters are commonly used for removing suspended solids from the water using a single-size filtration media. The filtration process can be decided by adjusting the size of the filter sand. The ideal size of each granule usually varies from 0.35mm to 1.2mm.   Industrial sand filters can have graded support media layers or be…


A complete guide to types of screening in wastewater treatment

A necessary part of all municipal and industrial wastewater treatment plants, wastewater screening retains solids found in the wastewater. These solids must be removed at the very beginning of the water treatment process, as these solids could make the whole system less efficient, damage expensive and essential water treatment equipment or contaminate water, causing small…


How to deal with the odor of sewage plant?

Controlling odors is one of the most important – and yet most challenging – aspects of wastewater treatment. Foul odors are often a source of complaints, igniting objections from plant workers and neighbors alike.     What are the impacts of uncontrolled odors?    Although many odors are contained within the proximity of the plant, some odors naturally drift…


What is the principle of biological deodorization method?

Biological deodorant is used in biological deodorization which is to fix the selected deodorant microorganisms on the carrier and oxidize and degrade the malodorous pollutant through a certainbiochemical pathway. The deodorization process of biological deodorant is a comprehensive process of gas diffusion and biochemical reaction. The deodorization mechanism can be divided into three stages.First, the…


How to ensure the effective treatment of sewage by dissolved air flotation?

Dissolved air flotation is a professional equipment used to treat sewage, and it is also a widely used equipment in the sewage treatment industry. Today, let me share with you how to ensure the effective treatment of sewage by dissolved air flotation: To ensure the effective treatment of sewage by dissolved air flotation, the following…