
How does the multi disc sludge dewatering machine treat the sewage of the pig farm?

  Multi disc screw press have become more and more widely used in recent years. With the standardization of pig farms, centralized operation of pig farms, large-scale breeding, and formalized sewage treatment, this is not only conducive to the protection of ecological water bodies, but also to breeding In the harmless management of pig farms, the…


How to choose a type of dissolved air flotation system?

  Dissolved air flotation Waste management is a big challenge today because we are producing more garbage and sewage than our existing infrastructure can handle. This has huge implications for the environment and puts the spotlight back on climate change and the role of humans in it. To mitigate this negative impact on the environment, many…


Dissolved air flotation (DAF): Is it the best way to treat your wastewater?

Dissolved air flotation (DAF) for industrial wastewater treatment is a water clarification process that uses micro-bubbles to remove impurities and solids. The process is ideal for removing light impurities and solids that tend to float and suspend ( such as TSS, BOD, COD, and pollutants) in your wastewater.   The DAF process is in contrast to…


The parts that a typical DAF system should contains:

A typical DAF system should includes: 1. Screening Adequate screening to remove gross solids from trade waste influent, buffering and treatment steps is crucial as it: Prevents solids blocking/damaging wastewater feed pumps, DAF recycle pumps and sludge pumps. Limits odours produced by anaerobic degradation of settled sludge that build up in the DAF unit and…


Quickly troubleshooting a dissolved air flotation (DAF) system

A DAF is used to remove solids from wastewater using microbubbles and a chemical coagulant like a polymer. The solids are forced to the water’s surface and are removed using a mechanical scraper and then disposed of.When the wastewater enters the DAF, it separates into three layers: Our purpose is to get as many solids…