
Wastewater Treatment Using Dissolved Air Flotation Process

Dissolved air flotation (DAF) is an effective way of treating wastewater treatment. It is important to know how water is treated because everyone uses water. This knowledge helps you understand how the water that you use is cleaned.  Process  DAF process is achieved by removing solid suspensions from the wastewater using air. Air is dissolved into…


Comparison of four air flotation equipment

Air flotation methods can be divided into diffuse air flotation, dissolved air flotation (including vacuum air flotation) and electrolytic air flotation. It is currently used in water supply, industrial wastewater and urban sewage treatment. Compared with other solid-liquid separation equipment, air flotation equipment has the characteristics of less investment, minimal floor space, high degree of…


What are biosolids?

Biosolids are the concentrated, stabilised solids product generated from the treatment of sewage sludge.  During wastewater treatment, the liquids are separated from the solids. Those solids are then treated physically and chemically to produce a semisolid, nutrient-rich product known as ‘biosolids’.  The terms ‘biosolids’ and ‘sewage sludge’ are often used interchangeably. However, biosolids are usually considered to…


Sludge treatment theory

Sedimentation and filtration Two key aspects of sludge solid−liquid separation processes for which fundamental theoretical representations exist are gravitation (or ‘sedimentation’) and filtration. These expressions can be used to inform the extent of separation of solids from the liquid and/or the energy required for certain thickening or dewatering processes.   Sedimentation is the separation of particles…


What is sludge treatment?

Overview of sludge processingSludge is the main waste stream generated from water purification, both water for drinking and wastewater for environmental discharge. It requires processing to reduce: i. its volume, and so the cost of subsequent haulage and disposal,ii. the risk it poses to public health, primarily from the pathogenic micro-organism content,iii. its odour,iv. its…


Industrial wastewater jar testing in 9 steps

Coagulant Jar testing on your wastewater is a useful method in determining the correct product to fit your company needs. By jar testing on a sample of wastewater generated from your production line, significant benefits emerge such as product compatibility and validation, correct chemical dose and injection rate, and projected use-cost. Below we lay out…


What is sludge?

Overview of sludge characteristics  Sludge characteristics depend on both the original feedwater quality and the type of the unit operation from which the sludge is discharged.  For conventional municipal wastewater treatment, the two main sludge streams are:  from the primary sedimentation stage, producing primary sludge, and  the secondary biological treatment stage, producing waste activated sludge (WAS) if the biological…


Different methods of wastewater treatment

Wastewater treatment is a procedure of removing all the pollutants in the form oforganic matter and cleaning domestic water and sewage. Water is treated with the purpose ofreusing the water either by humans or animals or for any other purposes.  Water discharged from houses. factories. orindustries is made to enter sewers.Waterfrom rains enters stormwater sewers. Water…


Dissolved air flotation process in wastewater treatment

WHAT IS DISSOLVED AIR FLOTATION WATER TREATMENT?  Dissolved air flotation (DAF) is a water treatment process designed to remove oils, solids, and greases. In fact, the process helps clarify wastewaters – and other waters – by eliminating different types of suspended matter. The DAF process dissolves air in the water under pressure – then releases it…