
What is a DAF used for?

DAF systems are commonly used for the removal of oils & greases and suspended solids to meet a variety of treatment goals including: Product recovery and reuse. Pretreatment to meet sewer discharge limits. Pretreatment to reduce loading on downstream biological treatment systems. The treatment goals include: Product recovery and reuse Pretreatment to meet sewer discharge…


The applications of water treatment DAF

Landscape water treatment. Biochemical reaction after the depth of treatment. The clarification of white water and fiber recovery in the paper industry. Chemical, steel, food and other industrial wastewater physical and chemical treatment. Remove industrial wastewater suspended solids, oil, grease and organic matter. As a DAF water treatment plant manufacturer, IEPP can supply dissolved air…


How does an IEPP super atomization dissolved air flotation work?

IEPP Environment (Shandong) Group Co.,Ltd. is the manufacturer of dissolved air flotation (DAF) clarifiers. Our innovative systems for water and wastewater clarification are highly efficient and can make your mechanical treatment process work economically, even in the presence of heavy fats, oils and greases. Its work process: Recycled water enters the IEPP Air Dissolving Flotation…


Differences between four water treatment systems

Industrial water treatment systems take a variety of forms. Among the most common include the dissolved air flotation system, the water oil separator system, the aerobic treatment system, and the induced gas flotation system. These water treatment systems vary from one another in both their principles of operation and the purposes for which they were…


What is electrolytic air floatation?

The so-called electrolytic air flotation method is a method of air flotation water treatment. During the electrolysis process, under the action of a direct current electric field, tiny bubbles of hydrogen and oxygen are generated at the cathode and anode respectively, which have a chemical redox effect on the pollutants in the wastewater, and can…


How to select a proper DAF and what to do in order to have a good commissioning?

A great way to deal with algae, fat, oil and grease (FOG) is to install a Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF). However, many face difficulties in operating the device and therefore, plant fails. First of all, it is important to know which type of DAF are you integrating in your system; whether it is a gravity…


Why is the dissolved air flotation performance not good sometimes in the wastewater treatment process?

Dissolved Air flotation is mainly used to remove suspended impurities density of which is closed to that water. These impurities can not either settle naturally or float naturally. DAF has the advantages of high separation efficiency and simple structure. The dissolved air flotation will directly affect the effluent quality. The poor effect of the dissolved…


How to choose a type of dissolved air flotation system?

  Dissolved air flotation Waste management is a big challenge today because we are producing more garbage and sewage than our existing infrastructure can handle. This has huge implications for the environment and puts the spotlight back on climate change and the role of humans in it. To mitigate this negative impact on the environment, many…


Dissolved air flotation (DAF): Is it the best way to treat your wastewater?

Dissolved air flotation (DAF) for industrial wastewater treatment is a water clarification process that uses micro-bubbles to remove impurities and solids. The process is ideal for removing light impurities and solids that tend to float and suspend ( such as TSS, BOD, COD, and pollutants) in your wastewater.   The DAF process is in contrast to…


The parts that a typical DAF system should contains:

A typical DAF system should includes: 1. Screening Adequate screening to remove gross solids from trade waste influent, buffering and treatment steps is crucial as it: Prevents solids blocking/damaging wastewater feed pumps, DAF recycle pumps and sludge pumps. Limits odours produced by anaerobic degradation of settled sludge that build up in the DAF unit and…