
Quickly troubleshooting a screw sludge dehydrator

There are usually some failures during the commissioning and operation of the screw press sludge dehydrator. It is necessary to clarify the reasons to make timely adjustments, improve the performance. Failure A: Sludge Clogging. Solution: If it is slightly clogged, try to reverse the screw shaft. If blocked seriously, screw cylinder need to be disassembly…


How to evaluate a screw sludge dewatering machine?

The screw sludge dewatering machine becomes one of main sludge processing machine in the wastewater industry. And the market is flooded with numerous OEM manufacturers, then how to evaluate the configuration of a screw sludge dewatering machine is important to get right one for your purpose. Some basic judgement standard for reference. Material As the…


Solid-liquid separation in manure – how does it work?

Physical solid-liquid separation processes rely on the density, size, or shape of the individual particles. They usually involve settling by gravity, screening, or centrifugation. A basic requirement for the efficient separation of swine manure is the continuous agitation of the liquid that is processed. Otherwise, relatively fast sedimentation occurs that leads to reduced separation or…