
What is the difference between coagulants and flocculants?

As we all know, in the water treatment chemicals, the more widely used generally for coagulants and flocculants, namely, polymeric aluminum chloride and polyacrylamide.    Coagulants mainly refer to inorganic ones, such as ferrous sulfate, aluminum sulfate, and flocculants generally refer to organic ones, such as PAC, PAM, and so on.    The process of coagulation is the addition…


How to ensure the effective treatment of sewage by dissolved air flotation?

Dissolved air flotation is a professional equipment used to treat sewage, and it is also a widely used equipment in the sewage treatment industry. Today, let me share with you how to ensure the effective treatment of sewage by dissolved air flotation: To ensure the effective treatment of sewage by dissolved air flotation, the following…


Why DAF is an excellent solution for clarifying water with high levels of low-density solids and algae that cannot be removed efficiently?

Dissolved air flotation (DAF) is a proven and effective physical /chemical technology for treating a variety of industrial and municipal process and wastewater streams. DAF systems are commonly used for the removal of oils & greases and suspended solids to meet a variety of treatment goals including: Pretreatment to meet sewer discharge limits Pretreatment to…


Tips to ensure dissolved air flotation system success

Many industries must pretreat their process wastewater before discharging it to the local sewer system. Dissolved air flotation (DAF) systems are used to remove fats, oils, and grease (FOG), certain organics, suspended solids, and metals from process wastewater to meet sewer discharge permit requirements. These treatment systems are far more cost-effective than biological systems but…


Wastewater treatment using dissolved air flotation process

process engineered water equipment Dissolved air flotation (DAF) is an effective way of treating wastewater treatment. It is important to know how water is treated because everyone uses water. This knowledge helps you understand how the water that you use is cleaned. This guide teaches you wastewater treatment using the DAF process. Process DAF process…


What is a DAF for oily water treatment?

The Oil Water and Produced Water Dissolved air flotation (DAF) is a water treatment process that clarifies wastewater by removing oils and suspended solids simultaneously. The removal is achieved by introducing ambient air and dissolving it in the recycled wastewater stream by shear pumps and then releasing the air at atmospheric pressure in a flotation…


What is jar testing?

Jar testing is a method for determining the proper dose rates of chemicals necessary for treating wastewater. It is a miniature batch treatment tank with all the variables under control of the operator. It usually consists of a “jar” or beaker of a known volume and a variable speed mixer. The mixer can be as…


Making the crude oil refining industry sustainable – water and wastewater treatment technologies

Generally, the water is collected from a water source close the refinery and, after the adequate treatment, distributed to consumption according to the final application. Normally, the use of water in a refinery is divided as water to fight emergencies, clarified water, industrial water, potable water, and demineralized water. Figure 1 presents a simplified diagram…